Interview With Edwin Buliba Angaba

Edwin Buliba Angaba

We had a conversation with Edwin Buliba Angaba who plays as a Defender in Nairobi City star, playing in the Kenyan Premier League (FKF Premier League). Here is what he told us.

What inspired you to become a defender, and how did you get your start in football?

My youth coach inspired me cause he was like a role model to me (Amboko)

As a defender, what do you think is the most important skill or attribute that you need to be successful in your position?

Patience is the most important skill and game reading scanning your surrounding.

What is your training regimen like, and how do you prepare for games both mentally and physically?

Sleeping early, eating a healthy meal listening to soothing music.

What do you think sets your style of play apart from other defenders in the league, and how do you use that to your advantage on the field?

Intelligence of the game reading and simplifying am not among the tallest defenders, in the league bt I know my game reading is top notch 

Who is the toughest opponent you have faced in your career so far, and how did you prepare for that matchup?

Daniel Otieno and Steve Etyang when I played as a fullback and as a center back I guess the toughest striker was Derrick otanga because of his positioning he’s sharp and clinical Dealing with them not giving them space. 

What do you think are your team's biggest strengths, and how do you work with your teammates to create a strong defensive unit?

Strong work ethic and determination to succeed.

Creativity and innovative thinking.

Good communication skills and ability to work.

How do you stay motivated and focused during difficult times, such as losing streaks or injuries?

Asking myself where I wanna be .

Not creating a deadline .

Identify a mini-step.

Checking up on someone on a regular basis.

Focus on What You Can Control. Now that the injury has happened, it’s not worth wasting your mental and emotional energy wishing you could go back and change the past. 

Be Creative with Your Workouts.

Set Recovery Goals.

Encourage Others.

Say “for” instead of “to”.

Keep a gratitude journal. 

Treat yourself. 

Keep an open mind and perspective. 

Surround yourself with loved ones. 

Allow yourself to have bad days. 

Make a list of the things you can manage. 

Spend time in nature.

What advice would you give to young players who aspire to become professional footballers, and especially those who want to play in your position?

Devote Yourself to the Game.

Learn the Sport Inside Out. 

Train Regularly. 

Run Every Day. 

Do Exercises to Increase Your Speed. 

Learn to Play with Both Feet. 

Learn from the Professionals. 

Move Through Graduate Levels.

To be a footballer, you’ll need thoroughness and attention to detail, the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure is key. Ambition and a desire to succeed, excellent communication and leadership skills, as well as good physical fitness and endurance.

Looking ahead, what are your goals for this season, and what do you hope to achieve with your team?

I hope to archive a survival cause we started our league campaign very bad and hoping to finish on a high note in the remaining games.

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