Interview With Austin Ochieng

Austin Eshiwani Ochieng

We had a chat with Austine Eshiwani Ochieng, playing in Posta Rangers in the Kenyan Premier League. He has an injury so we pray that he gets a quick recovery and gets back to the game. 

Here is our Conversation 

1. Can you tell us about your injury and how it occurred?

Had a Cruciate Ligament tear that occurred while I played a league game against Kariobangi sharks. Felt it was not as serious so it got worse when I went back for training with the squad so I had to seek medical attention.

2. How are you feeling physically and emotionally about being out for such a long period of time?

Having gotten injured in the past I’ve learnt to understand that it’s risky sport and you never know when you might pick up a knock or a serious injury so mentally I’ve always been ready in anticipation of such occurrences but I try as much to avoid getting injured but in some circumstances it’s not guaranteed.

3. What is your daily routine like now that you are unable to train and play with the team?

Now that I’m not so involved actively with the team I start my day by doing some rehabilitation exercises as per the physio's directive then I have the whole day to atleast put more effort in running of my business @drip_kicks_ke

4. How do you plan on staying involved with the team while you recover from your injury?

At the moment I can’t really be involved with the team directly due to limited movement but I can only root for them to get great results and hopefully if I get better before end of the season I could go support them during match days

5. Are there any specific rehabilitation exercises or treatments you are doing to help with your recovery?

There are exercises as instructed by my physio for a quicker and better recovery.

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6. How do you think this injury will affect your playing style when you return to the field?

Most definitely I am certain this injury will slow me a great deal but I’ll always work extra to get back to my best.

7. What advice would you give to other players who may be facing a similar injury and recovery process?

My advice to anyone facing similar injury concern is just to always stick to the plan as advised by the physio and to work harder on rehab to get back stronger and better.

8. Have you received support or advice from any former players or coaches during this time?

No much support nor advice from the latter but I’m grateful to God,family and close friends who are always here to give me strength and a reason to get better.

9. How do you see Posta performing in the league while you are recovering?

Posta has had a relatively fair season against all odds so I give a thumbs up for the boys for fighting for the badge amidst all the challenges the team face.

10. Lastly, what are your goals for your recovery and return to the field with Posta?

At the moment my focus is solely on getting better and recovering fully then afterwards I will make a decision with regards to the direction I would want to take matters football.

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Oddo (Friday, 12 May 2023 20:47)

    From childhood memories u where a go getter, stay strong son, your dreams are still valid

  • #2

    MONA (Saturday, 13 May 2023 10:47)

    You such a matter what we still believe in you because we know you are an overcome...Qr